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125 ml

rated by our customers


125 ml

rated by our customers

A natural resource for every day. Support your whole body at its highest quality. Give your body all the nutrients it needs.

Backed by research

Supports your immune system

Bolsters energy levels

Supports your cardiovascular system



100% plant based









What the InnoFit Topform solves


Unbalanced diet

Replenishes the intake of fruit and vegetables missing from the diet.

Physical/mental exhaustion

Reduces fatigue, increases physical stamina.

Liver regeneration

Regenerates liver cells. Reduces the development of liver diseases and fatty liver.


Supports blood circulation, blood vessel elasticity, inhibits vascular calcification.

Pregnancy preparation

Folic acid content helps prevent brain and spinal cord development disorders.

Hormonal problems

Relieves symptoms of climax, menstrual and prostate problems.

Immune support

Virus and fungus killing action enhances effective immune system function.


Reduces negative effects on the body.

Iron deficiency

Helps enzyme function, nervous system processes, and iron replacement.


Supports stem cell formation, normal red blood cell and haemoglobin production.

How can  Topform  solve so many problems?

Because most diseases are caused by deficiencies, accumulation of waste products, inflammation and poor vascular conditions. The rich active ingredients in Topform plants address these underlying problems. It can therefore indirectly address so many of these problems.

Ingredients optimized for impact

The secret of InnoFit Topform lies in its carefully selected ingredients. Each of the plants in the product has its own specific benefits for the health of your body.



Juice concentrate of: beetroot, apple, blueberry, blackcurrant, sea buckthorn, elderberry, blackberry, chokeberry, cranberries; red grape skin extract, sea buckthorn pulp oil, sea buckthorn seed oil, cornel berry pulp, blackthorn pulp, meal of: sea buckthorn berry, rosehip pulp, red grape seed, Eleutherococcus root, Panax ginseng root, red wine powder.

The specific effect of the plants:


Improves blood circulation, supports the liver's detoxification processes.


High in vitamin C and antioxidants, it supports the immune system and cell protection.


Rich in flavonoids and fibre, it aids digestion and protects the heart.

Cornel berry

It supports the immune system and contributes to liver health through its natural antioxidants.


Natural source of vitamin C, helps cell regeneration and joint health.


A powerful antioxidant, helps digestion and heart health.

Sea buckthorn

High in vitamin C, it strengthens the immune system and has anti-inflammatory properties.

Red grape seed

A powerful antioxidant that helps protect cells from oxidative stress.


Boosts energy levels, supports stress management and mental performance.


Helps maintain a healthy urinary tract.


Supports eyesight and protects blood vessel walls.


Reduces inflammation and oxidative stress due to its high anthocyanin content.

Black elderberry

Supports the immune system and reduces inflammation.


It supports the digestive system and strengthens the body's natural defences.

Eleutherococcus Root

Strengthens stamina and supports the body's ability to cope with stress.

100% natural vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, bioactive compounds, antioxidant content, colorants (e.g. flavonoids, carotene), and whole food ingredients in a convenient daily dose. Your daily nutrient needs in organic form.

InnoFit Topform


EUR / Serving

Start living a healthier life today:

60 days' supply consumed in a 3 gram serving spoon

The first step to vitality: try InnoFit Topform

The ideal choice if you want to experience the power of natural support

An affordable solution to support your health with just one box

3x - InnoFit Topform

More for less

% discount 



EUR / Serving

Give yourself the gift of extra benefits:

Its continuous use will help you maintain your vitality in the long term and prevent problems caused by deficiencies

Half a year's supply

Free delivery 🚚

as nature intended

100% natural, no artificial flavors, colors and preservatives.











InnoFit Basic Package



% discount 

Best for starting your new healthy habit:

Enough for 60 days when consumed as an intensive cure

For faster condition improvement

Free delivery 🚚

100% Positive Impact Guarantee

We offer a 100% money-back guarantee on your first Basic package purchase.

We guarantee that by consuming the first Basic package, you will experience a demonstrable improvement in your health status in your blood count. Plus, we provide a personalised telephone consultation after purchase to help you get the most out of our products.

We believe in our products and that they can help you too. You have nothing to lose, because either you can experience the improvement of your condition through the beneficial effect of our products - which you may not have experienced for a long time when consuming other products - or, in the worst case, you will try our products for FREE.

100% money back guarantee Conditions:

First of all, before you start consuming the products in our Basic package, have a blood test done. This is the basis against which you will be able to compare your later results.

After that, enjoy our products for 45 days based on our recommended product consumption.

When the 45 days are up, get another blood test done. If there is no positive change between your two findings, simply send us both of your results and we will refund the full price of the product.

Approved by doctors & nutritionists

Approved by doctors & nutritionists

dr. Ágnes Schemmel, Retired paediatrician

“One of the hardest parts of our work is fighting anaemia, iron deficiency...There are a lot of dietary supplements, nutritional supplements, medicines, which have not proved to be very effective. It would be good if we could get iron in food, and I found that in InnoFit.”

Judit Kisa, Nutritionist and Dietician

“I would happily recommend InnoFit products to have in your cupboard if you want to enhance your general well-being. The InnoFit products provide complex daily vitamin and mineral requirement which means they will help you more to enhance your general well-being than other similar products on the market.”

dr. Alice Égető, Retired paediatrician

“I'm very happy that I found this family of products because since I've been using them I feel 20 years younger, more energetic and I feel very good in my skin. Based on my mother, my family and my own personal product experience, I would like to recommend everyone to consume these products.”

Product experiences

"One of the hardest parts of our work is fighting anaemia, iron deficiency...There are a lot of dietary supplements, nutritional supplements, medicines, which have not proved to be very effective. It would be good if we could get iron in food, and I found that in InnoFit."

dr. Ágnes Schemmel

“…our family experienced practically every kind of health problem…including diabetes and cardiovascular problems…It was Topform and Purfit, that helped to sort out blood pressure problems and settle our blood sugar levels.”

Edina Földi

“I used to struggle with constant headaches, I had COVID three times, but thanks to the consumption of the InnoFit products, my headaches are gone, in addition, my blood pressure has gone down, my sugar dropped and my sugar values have improved significantly.”

Irén Temesvári Sándorné

The InnoFit difference


Traditional vitamin preparations

Additive, preservative, sugar, sweetener

Gentle manufacturing technology

Low temperature vegetable processing

Natural antioxidant content

Natural bioactive substances

Phytochemical content

Natural vitamin, mineral content

Very delicious

Contains 100% concentrated plants

Frequently asked Questions

How many months is 1 box of Topform enough for?

Although advertisements keep bombarding us with the recommendation of consuming vitamin products, and they also indicate how much of each product we should consume, it is important to know that people are different, with different metabolism, eating habits, life situations and living with a different intensity. It is therefore an overly rough simplification to declare that all people should consume the same amount of a vitamin or nutritional supplement. Of course, from a marketing perspective, recommending to take 1 pill a day is very easy to communicate. Unfortunately, things are not quite that simple, because our body is a very complex system, and each person is a little different. It would be foolish to think that everyone has the exact same need for vitamins, minerals, and trace elements, with no consideration to their age, weight, state of health, eating habits and lifestyle. It can even change for an individual on a daily basis, since if they have a stressful day or do vigorous physical activity, their needs change right away.

Then how much Topform should be taken on a daily basis?

If you are an average person, who can be considered healthy, with an average weight, under an average strain, experience shows that it is enough for you to consume 1 scoop of Topform 1 per day in the morning. This makes 1 box enough for 2 months.

When you feel you are under a harder strain either mentally or physically, or you feel like you are “coming down with something” (e.g. a cold, infection), you had to stay up very late at night, or you are a woman on your period, or you have been partying, it is good to increase the frequency of consuming the product, i.e. taking it not 1x, but 2x or even 3x a day.

(For those receiving chemotherapy treatment, experience shows that it is advisable to increase the dose 2 days before the start of chemo, and to consume the increased dose on the day you receive the chemo and for the following 2 days as well.)

It is also important to bear in mind that, since Topform also contains ginseng (a great immunostimulant and vitalizer), refrain from consuming it after 5 PM, for its stimulating effect may keep you awake at night. It’s good to explore how the product affects you.

Why don’t InnoFit products contain preservatives and why don’t they need to be heat treated?

Due to the special production technology, our products' moisture content is very low (3-5% maximum in Orifiit and Purfit, and 20% maximum in Topform and Child products), and they contain high concentrations of natural antioxidants (flavonoids, vitamins A and C). Due to the low water content, the pH of the plants and the high antioxidant concentration, the products have a high microbiological stability, so they do not spoil. They retain their original quality for up to two years if stored adequately.

What is the vitamin content of the products?

Thanks to the special manufacturing technology, InnoFit products are able to naturally preserve heat-sensitive vitamins, which is why the vitamin content of InnoFit products is not comparable to that of conventional vitamin products. There, either the products are made up entirely of synthetic vitamins, or minimal natural active ingredients from plants (a few hundred milligrams at most) are supplemented with synthetic vitamins, of which, research shows that only a few percent is utilized. Therefore we have no interest in competing with the vitamin content of products manufactured in that way and we believe customers are misled with those data.

Can I overdose the products?

All things can be overdosed by excessive consumption. Therefore, the question is not whether or not it can be overdosed, but what happens when we eat too much of it. Our experience shows that probably nothing. Our body gets rid of the excess quantity intelligently (e.g. in the form of urine, or excreted in the form of mild diarrhea as an immune response), and – as with other foods – an “aversion” or a temporary feeling of disgust can appear as a self-defensive reaction. It is essential to understand that these effects are not signs of illness, but are a healthy body’s response to excessive consumption. To avoid this, do not go overboard, but consume the quantity indicated on the box.

Can gluten-intolerant people consume InnoFit products?

The products do not contain gluten (grain protein). No products containing gluten are made at the manufacturer, so not even traces of gluten can be found in the products.

Can people with diabetes consume InnoFit products?

Deterioration of blood vessels is a serious complication for people with diabetes. Numerous studies show the positive effects consuming berries has on blood vessels (vascular protection, slowing down the development of vasoconstriction), therefore their consumption is highly recommended. Since Topform, Child, and Purfit products are mainly made from berries, they are excellent for vascular protection. Although the products do contain fructose because of the fruit, their sugar content is so small that if taken with a meal it is not necessary to count it towards the daily carbohydrate intake, except in severe cases. (3g per scoop for Topform, Child and 5g per sachet for Orifit and Purfit can be used for the calculation)

I eat a healthy diet. Should I try the products?

If you eat a healthy diet and you can eat a sufficient amount of fruits and vegetables in a variety of colors, freshly picked, and at a satisfactory quality day after day, you may be one of the few people who do not need supplements in any form, including InnoFit products. Statistics show that most people either lack the variety, quality or quantity to consume the professionally recommended daily amount. If you live a stressful life, exercise, are pregnant, elderly, or in case you smoke or have digestive problems, it is most likely that even with a healthy diet it may be beneficial for you to consume InnoFit products due to your increased need. Make sure to assess your personal situation.

I am active in sports. Is it considered doping if I consume the products?

Since the products are fruit and vegetable concentrates and the plants in InnoFit products, as far as we know, are not included on the ban list, do not contain any added substances included on the ban list, nor do we produce any other products in the factory that contain prohibited substances, it is safe for athletes to consume our products.

What is the difference between the different flavonoid products?

There are several companies selling different formulations of flavonoid products and you may be wondering what criteria you should use to choose between them. What are the differences between the products?
Often you read the phrase "made using gentle processing method" in company brochures. What technology might this term refer to? It’s important to pay attention to this term, because the way fruits are processed has a significant impact on the nutritional content of the product.
We have compiled a list of factors that make a big difference between the products. We have done so to help you to better understand the topic and be able to choose the right product.

  1. Production technology: If the product is in a jar, it’s already a suspicious sign. If you hear a “clicking" sound when the cap is unscrewed, the product was treated using mild heat treatment, meaning a heat treatment of 80 to 90 °C (pasteurization). Its purpose is to kill microorganisms and deactivate the enzymes in the plant (to inhibit their activity as enzymes – in effect killing them), which will ensure the shelf life of the product. In most cases, these products are post-vitaminized, since heat treatment also destroys heat-sensitive bioactive substances, vitamins such as vitamin C, which means that they cannot exert a positive physiological effect after consumption. To compensate for this, other companies add synthetic vitamins and minerals in order to increase the nutritional value of the product.
    InnoFit products are made using vacuum technology and by gentle process, we mean a compression at a low temperature (+6 degrees Celsius for Topform and Child). The purpose of this method of processing is that almost 100 % of the active substances in the fruits and vegetables are safe from damage during processing. Therefore they do not contain added vitamins, minerals, or trace elements.
  2. What are products made from: fruit concentrate or fruit pulp? In the case of products made of fruit pulp, the water content of the fruit is often not or only partially extracted. In this case, in order to bind water, water-thickening and gelling agents, stabilizers and emulsifiers are added (e.g. apple pectin, carrageenan, guar gum, gum arabic, xanthan gum, alginic acid). If you read the product ingredients, you can definitely verify that. As this will not result in a high content of natural active substances in the product, to compensate for this, other companies add synthetic vitamins and minerals in order to increase the content value of the product.
    When manufacturing InnoFit products, no thickeners, gelling agents, stabilizers and emulsifiers are used. The products are actually concentrated by extracting water, so the resulting fruit and vegetable concentrate can have multiple times the nutritional value compared to other products.
  3. What berries does the recipe include? On the one hand, when purchasing the fruit there can be huge differences in the price of ingredients (e.g. in case of a product based on grapes, which is significantly cheaper than blueberries, blackthorns, blackberries, etc.), on the other hand, it is important to know whether the recipe making was preceded by research on the nutritional value and physiological effects of the ingredients and whether the expensive ingredients can also be found in the product, where needed.
    InnoFit products are backed by many years of serious plant research. The formulation for Topform and Child was preceded by a patent based on antioxidant research that ensures the uniqueness of the recipe and the synergistic triggering of the complex action mechanisms of the body. The Topform product contains 6 major antioxidant groups in one. Similar products contain only 1 or 2 antioxidant groups.


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