"I am allergic to many things, and all four products actually help me a lot during the allergy seasons, but it is especially Orifit in higher doses that tends to help me relieve allergy symptoms at such times. Actually, right now is not the season, so the story starts with that I'm allergic to both cat and dog hairs. Our outdoor kitten has become an indoor cat now for the colder months, and I don't usually take Orifit for the winter, for there's no allergy season then. Having the kitten in the apartment for almost half a day unfortunately made my symptoms reappear, manifesting in itchy eyes, sneezing and runny nose. Once I felt these symptoms, on the first day, I consumed two sachets of Orifit. The next day, I no longer had burning itchy eyes and I stopped sneezing so much, I didn't have to blow my nose so often, and so on. By the third day, I was already sneezing quite a bit, but my eyes were still a little itchy, and by actually consuming sachets a day, I realized on the fifth or sixth day that I no longer had any symptoms, even if I was petting the cat, and even though we spend half days for sure in the same airspace. So, I definitely recommend Orifit to those suffering from allergy!"