October 4

What are minerals – and why are they essential to your health?


Defining minerals 

Minerals are nutrients that are necessary for the structure and function of our body. By minerals, we mostly mean mineral salts.

Minerals make up our bones and teeth. Our muscles wouldn't work without minerals, and they are also involved in the formation and transmission of stimuli in the body.

Too many or too few minerals in our body upsets a very delicate balance. Therefore, their quantity is constantly regulated by the human organism.


We divide minerals according to the amounts in which they can be found in our body.

We need the largest amounts of the so-called macroelements (such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulphur and chlorine) and smaller amounts of microelements (fluorine, silicon, vanadium, chromium, manganese, iron, cobalt, nickel, copper, zinc, selenium, molybdenum, tin and iodine). The minerals that are present in very small amounts are called trace elements, because our body really only contains just a hint of them.

There is currently no debate about the importance of minerals. What is more debatable, however, is which minerals to consume and how to consume them.

Minerals need each other because they work together to help each other's absorbtion and use each other. The development of plants is always determined – or, in some cases, inhibited – by the mineral of which they have the least amounts. In the human body, there are even more complex mechanisms of absorption and multi-level utilisation.

Their function and role

What is needed for our cells to function properly? Like everything in nature, our bodies strive to achieve harmony, so there must be a very fine balance of fluids and ions between the inside and outside of cells. Macronutrients, especially sodium, potassium and chloride, are responsible for achieving this. Calcium, which is involved in the formation of stimuli, also belongs to the group of macroelements.

In fact, have ever you asked yourself the question: why are our bones hard? Well, our bones are storehouses of a major part of the minerals in the body, including calcium, magnesium and various phosphates.

And what is the role of trace elements? What you really should know about this is that trace elements are essential for the functioning of enzymes, which help our body to regulate various biochemical processes. Trace elements are involved in several processes at the same time, so the ratio between them is essential.

Iron is known to be a major player in haematopoiesis, that is, blood cell production that occurs continuously during the life of an organism. But even in this process, countless trace elements and vitamins are involved as well.

As the above examples show, the presence and synergy of minerals is vital. The difference between a healthy and unhealthy body is often only a few grams of minerals.

In what form should we get them into our bodies?

You should consume complex, natural minerals. They are absorbed more efficiently and are better used by the body. By contrast, if you take just a single mineral (say a zinc tablet), it will have little effect without the other minerals.

Pills or vegetables?

It's up to each individual to decide whether they want to eat consciously at all, and in that case the answer is yes, to cover their mineral needs with tablets, pills, drops and other supplements, or get the minerals naturally into their bodies through a balanced diet.

Natural methods are always more effective: tablets are also more effective if they contain organic, complex minerals, because our bodies recognise (and use) natural compounds more easily.

Interestingly, and perhaps surprisingly, even those who regularly eat fruit and vegetables can be deficient in minerals. This is due to the general overproduction and, consequently, the deterioration in the quality of crops. This fact has also attracted the attention of specialists.

Researchers at Reuters University recently compared the mineral content of conventional and organic crops available in US supermarkets. The results of their study are shocking for even just two vegetables: the differences are absolutely striking!

In summary, it is important to get the right quality minerals into our bodies in a natural and complex form to protect our health.

If we cannot meet our mineral needs from vegetables, we should choose a supplement that contains complex and natural minerals. InnoFit products are the most natural solution!

Ágoston Mihalik

Ph.D. in Brain Research